Monday, 10 February 2025

Exploring Phrae’s Rich History: Khum Chao Luang Museum

Khum Chao Luang Museum

Khum Chao Luang Museum

Museum of Phrae City “Khum Chao Luang” The Khum Chao Luang Museum was built in 2435 B.E. by Chao Phiriyathep Wong. This magnificent building features 72 doors and windows adorned with intricate wooden carvings and a gable with a decorative pattern. The architectural style reflects a blend of traditional Thai and European influences, known as the “gingerbread” style, which was popular during the early Rattanakosin period.

Khum Chao Luang Museum -inside

Khum Chao Luang Museum -inside

The museum was initially constructed to celebrate the prosperity of Phrae, as it had ample resources during the reign of Phaya Pimphasararat. Despite facing some economic challenges, construction of this grand structure was possible due to the abundance of funds. In 2445 B.E., political unrest in Phrae forced Chao Phiriyathep Wong to seek refuge in the capital city, leaving the mansion unattended. Subsequently, the central government seized control of the property and used it as a military base.

Khum Chao Luang Museum bedroom

Khum Chao Luang Museum bedroom

Khum Chao Luang Museum-phrae

Khum Chao Luang Museum-phrae

On December 5, 2547 B.E., the museum was handed over to the Phrae Provincial Administration Organization, which has since managed and transformed it into a museum open to the public. The museum serves as an educational space for students, scholars, and the general public, offering insights into the region’s history. Admission is free, and the museum is open every day from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.

Khum Chao Luang Museum-underground

Khum Chao Luang Museum-underground

For inquiries and information, contact the museum at 054-524-158 or the Provincial Administration Organization of Phrae at 054-532-485, extension 102, Tourism and Commerce Promotion Division.

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